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Fans at stubhubnba tickets buy NBA tickets to see the kind of talented players that make the All Star team. Here are the seven players I would pick as reserves for the Eastern Conference squad. (Note: All statistics are as of January 28th.)

Chris Bosh 
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Danny Granger, Indiana Pacers: Grangers is probably the most underrated player in the entire league. Hes posting incredible numbers, among them a 26 points per game scoring average, and is carrying his team night in and night out. He had a really good season last year 
Anthony Davis Womens Jersey , which went largely unnoticed, but hes starting to get his due a little. In my book, a players teams record does not factor into the All Star selection process.

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Joe Johnson, Atlanta Hawks: Johnson has fallen off a bit as of late, but this guy has not gotten the credit hes been due since joining the Hawks and becoming their leader. He does everything well and can play three positions on the floor. Hes also a much underrated player.

Devin Harris, New Jersey Nets: This has been Harris breakout season. His jump shot has gotten much better, especially from three 
Anthony Davis Authentic Jersey , making his lightning quick first step eve more dangerous than it already was. Hes taken on a leadership role on a young New Jersey squad and has been doing a little bit of everything. His overall numbers alone warrant a selection.

Jameer Nelson, Orlando Magic: Nelson has really taken the next step in his development this season. Before this season began, I was thinking that perhaps he wasnt cut out for a starting gig in the NBA. Boy, did he prove me wrong. Nelson has been on a tear this season. Hes shooting a fantastic percentage from the floor, from the line and from behind the arc. Nelson isnt a pure passer, but he helps his team in a lot of ways. People have taken notice of his play this season and I think hell get the nod.

Vince Carter, New Jersey Nets: I bet most people thought theyd never hear Vince Carters name in the All Star conversation again 
Anthony Davis Jersey , but hes having a really good season. Its apparent that hes giving full effort now and its paying dividends. His averages of 21 points, five assists and five rebounds are really impressive and should earn him a spot on the team.

Mo Williams, Cleveland Cavaliers: Williams has pushed the Cavaliers to a whole new level. Hes the sidekick that LeBron James has always needed. He can handle the ball, distribute, create his own shot and shoot the rock very well. The addition of Williams is flying under the radar a bit too much if you ask me.


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