College Biology Help 4-5 paragraphs

4-5 paragraphs


Please answer the following three essay questions.

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  1. All living cells, both prokaryotic and eukaryotic, have the following cell structures: plasma membrane, cytosol, ribosomes, and at least one chromosome. Choose any one of these. Describe its basic structure (including molecular composition) as well as the function. Explain why a cell could not exist without the function(s) performed by this cell structure.
  2. Cells can be categorized as either prokaryotic or eukaryotic. Only bacterial cells are prokaryotic. For question two, answer any one of the following comparison questions. Be sure to compare both molecular (physical) structure and function in each answer.
    1. Compare the nucleoid area (prokaryotic) to a nucleus (eukaryotic)? How do they differ; how are they similar?
    2. Compare the bacterial flagellum (prokaryotic) to an animal cell flagellum (eukaryotic)? How do they differ; how are they similar?
    3. Compare a bacterial cell wall (prokaryotic) to a plant cell wall (eukaryotic)? How do they differ; how are they similar?
  3. Eukaryotic cells (in plants, animals, fungi, and algae) are bigger than prokaryotic (bacterial) cells. This bigger size allows eukaryotic cells to have more structural complexity.

Choose any one of the following eukaryotic cell structures for a short essay:

  • Mitochondrion
  • Cytoskeleton
  • Golgi apparatus
  • Endoplasmic reticulum
  • Lysosome
  • Chloroplast (found only in photosynthetic cells)

In your answer, describe its basic structure (including molecular composition) as well as the function. Why is the function important to keeping the cell alive?
Provide references in APA format. This includes a reference list and in-text citations for references used throughout the assignment.

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