Business Negotiation Letters

You are preparing for business negotiations with potential partners from Mexico, China, Israel, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). You understand that these cultures are vastly different. They have different business customs, social protocols, and languages. However, they also have a strong relationship with several of your vendors so they may be viable business partners for your hamburger franchise expansion project.

This is your first outreach effort with each country. Construct a business letter to the senior leader of the companies noted below (4 letters). The goal is to introduce your company and propose the possibility of a meeting to discuss your hamburger franchise. Remember to account for cultural nuances, Hofstede’s criteria, and contextual language differences in your writing style.


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Each letter should be between 500-800 words with references


Address the recipients as follows:


China- Mr. Xiang Fu Liu 
Chief Business Officer 
Shaoling Enterprise 
Shanghai, China 


Israel- Ms. Shapuria Shabazi 
Chief Executive 
Aslaam United Industry 
Tel Aviv, Israel 


UAE- Your Highness Shiek Abdul Omar
Ruling Secretary General
Emirates United Companies
Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Mexico- Mr. Fernando Lopez
Chief Executive Officer
Tropical Paradise Businesses
Mexico City, Mexico

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