
Bullying is a prevalent issue during middle childhood. Watch The Power of One – School Video Sample. Choose one of the situations presented: Diego, Timmy, or Kendra  Briefly describe the situation. Offer suggestions that can be put into place by the teacher, school, and the parents (at least one for each). Use the following sources to support your response:

  1. Bullies: What is Bullying
  2. Stopbullying

You must address what should be said to the child who is targeted and to the child exhibiting the bullying behavior. You must include what should not be said as well. Include at least one suggestion to be used in the classroom and one suggestion that can be reinforced at home.  

Guided Response:

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Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Respond to at least two of your classmates by Day 7, and comment on whether or not you think the suggestions are interchangeable. Could the lesson for school be taught at home and vice versa? Why do you think this lesson would or would not work in the alternate setting?      

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