boston bagel company offered a commuter coffee cup as a premium for every five wrappers presented by customers together…

boston bagel company offered a commuter coffee cup as a premium for every five wrappers presented by customers together with $1.25 the company sells the thir cake bagels at $.80 each. the cost of ech mug to the is $.85, and the pay an additional $.60 to mail each mug to customers. the company has provided you the following information rearding the results of the premium plan for the first year of their sales promotion. commuter coffeecups pruchased 280,000; bagels sold 5,935,750; wrappers redeemed 987,000; wrappers expected to be redeemed nextyear related to current year sales 68,000 prepare the journal entries for the first year of the company’s begel commuter cup promotion..
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