

Biotechnology allows the use of living organisms or their processes for human needs or purposes. Currently, this topic includes such general examples as cloning, stem cells (adult, umbilical cord, and embryonic), DNA fingerprinting, biological warfare, bioremediation, genetically modified organisms, vaccines, and transgenic plants and animals to name a few. In this assignment, you will explore specific examples of biotechnology applications.

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Part 1

Biotechnology is the use of a living thing or any part of a living thing to make a product or process that improves human life. For this part of the assignment, discuss the following:

  • What are some of the examples of biotechnology that have made improvements to your life?
  • Describe how 1 of these has made your life better.
  • Do you have any concerns with biotechnology? Explain.

Part 2

In 2008, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved food derived from cloned animals. In addition, these products will not need to be labeled as “cloned” or “from clones” (Black, 2008). The FDA explains that you will not be eating the clone itself. It takes thousands of dollars to clone a food animal such as a cow or pig. Animals that are cloned for improved food production will be used for a breeding program to produce many offspring with the desirable traits for increased meat or milk yield. These offspring of the clones will be fair game for food. Discuss the following:

  • Do you think there are differences between a clone and a “normal” animal?
  • How do you feel about eating a cloned animal?
  • Is your opinion of eating a cloned plant different?


4-5 Paragraphs. 1 Page. 3 Sources MINIMUM cited throughout.  APA Format.

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