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Hey Guys , I want someone help me to answer all this 18 qusition than who can do it ? 


– This is all my Question for Anthropology class. 

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The instructions is : Answer the following questions with complete sentences or bullet points ( where applicable ). Provide as much detail as possible in youranswers in order to demonstrate your mastery and comprehension of the materials presented in class and through the reading / films. 


1- Explain the difference between race and ethnicity. Provide an example of each from the reading and or films that demonstrate this difference .

2- Using the reading and / or films ,present two examples of essentialism .


3- Using the reading and / or films , present three examples of an ascribed status. 


4- Using the reading and /or films ,present three examples of an achieved status. 


5- Using the reading and / or films , present an example of real Kinship and fictive Kinship. 


6- Define the following : 


a- Monogamy .


b- Polygamy .


c- polygyny . 


d- Polyandry. 


7- Using the reading and / or films , present two exaples of marriage as a durable alliance between families. 


8- Explain the difference between sex and gander. 


9- Using the reading and / or films , present an example of the public – doman dichotomy . 


10- Explane what gender stratifcation is and provide one example from contemporary socity. 


11- Using the reading and or film , present an exaple of gender roul exaple of a gender stereotype. 


12- Using the readings and or films , provide example of each of the type of reciprocity ( exchange ) discussed in class. 


13 – Identify all the steps necessary for communication .


14- what is the basic difference between languge and paralanguage ?


15- Explain why symbols are important for communication and how symbols are often understood in a culture- specific manner. 


16- provide an example of the following as modes of communication: 

a- Kinesics ( body language ) . 


b- proxemics ( social distancing ) .


c- Tone 


d- Dress . 


17 – Using the reading and / or films , discuss how language can serve a indicator of cultural and / or social identity . 


18- From a medical anthropology perspective , explain the difference between an illness and a disease. 

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