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In Unit 3, you will submit a report based on the article: Interview with Ronald G. Spaeth, FACHE, president, Evanston Northwestern Healthcare Foundation, Northbrook, Illinois, which can be found by accessing the KU online library. Please follow these steps: 1. Access the KU library link via the main Kaplan page. 2. You will see a search box near the top of the screen. Enter “Spaeth interview”, then click the radio button below the box to select “title”. 3. This article should appear as the first option. Download or save the article. Your project should include thorough responses to the questions below, but you are not limited to these questions only.

  • Summarize Spaeth’s work and educational background and the award highlighted in this article.
  • What philosophies or strategies did Spaeth utilize and what are your opinions on his approaches?
  • What school of management from Chapter 2 do you think Spaethe most uses and why?
  • What are the biggest obstacles facing today’s health care administrator, according to Spaethe?
  • For you, the graduate student in health care administration, what lessons can be learned from this interview?

These questions will be submitted in an APA-formatted. (Visit the Kaplan Library for guidance on APA formatting. You may also read more information at to guide you in composing your paper.) Please note that simply writing your paper in Q & A format will not be acceptable. Your submission must be written in a scholarly, well-flowing piece that reflects Master’s level work. You need a title page, a double-spaced paper, and a reference page.

When you are ready to submit your Assignment, click on the Dropbox and complete the steps below:

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  • Click the link that says “Submit an Assignment.”
  • In the “Submit to Basket” menu, select Unit 3: Assignment
  • In the optional “Comments” field, type any additional information you would like your instructor to see.
  • Click the “Add Attachments” button.
  • Follow the steps listed to complete attaching your file.
  • Click OK

ID: HA510-03-08-AS



onald C, Spaeth, FACHE, illustrates in our interview the reasons that ACHE has

honored him with its 2005 Cold Medal Award, As a former faculty member

and current civic leader and chief executive officer, he advocates for mentorship,

community and physician relations, and working with professionals from diverse

backgrounds and fields of study. As we learn his thoughts on various management

challenges, we understand his enthusiasm for the profession and his successful

career in healthcare management.

In the Funding column, William Cleverley and James Cleverley use a hospital

building-replacement scenario to demonstrate the critical relationships between

funded depreciation, cash flow, and a formal debt policy, Paul Preston’s Communication

column illustrates how “proxemics”—the science of distance and space that

marks people’s interactions—can distort or shape the messages we convey,

Sara Imhof and Brian Kaskie’s article presents several best practices in the

provision of end-of-life care. They offer justifications for and guidance in establishing

a palliative care program that responds to the needs of the dying and their


In their article, John Griffith and Kenneth White examine the processes and

outcomes of organizations that have been awarded the prestigious Malcolm Baldrige

National Quality Award in Health Care, The authors suggest that the level

of excellence achieved by these institutions requires a revolution in organizational


Lawton Burns, Cilbert Cimm, and Sean Nicholson’s research tests the impact

of organizational integration on financial performance. Their findings offer lessons

about the importance of the scale of investment and the model of integration in

the long-term economic success or failure of a healthcare system.

Healthcare leaders can take pivotal ideas from every section in this issue to

position themselves and their institutions for the current revolution in healthcare


Kyle L, Crazier,






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