antitrust laws

Research authoritative articles using the news and the DeVry Online Library ( for a recent case of 
antitrust investigation. You are free to choose a case from any industry and any 
part of the world. Based on the case you have selected, answer the following 

  1. Why was/were the firm(s) investigated for antitrust 
  2. Identify some of the costs (pecuniary and 
    nonpecuniary) associated with the antitrust behavior (firms having power in the 
    market). Additionally, note the specific antitrust act (Sherman Act, Clayton 
    Act, etc.) under which the violation was investigated.
  3. Given your research and findings, are monopolies and 
    oligopolies (firms demonstrating power) always bad for society? Be sure to 
    provide real world examples of where this may be the case to strengthen your 
  4. Provide at least one example of a case where having 
    a monopoly or oligopoly may actually benefit the society.


Based on your findings to the questions listed above, 
write a report with a minimum of 300 words in essay format in 
APA style (use the APA template in Doc Sharing), using correct 
economic terms covered in the discussions. If you ONLY write 300 words, you 
probably won’t be able to fully answer the questions.

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Key concepts to include in your paper include the 

  • Monopoly Market Structure
  • Oligopoly Market Structure
  • Barriers to Entry Into the Market
  • Natural Monopoly
  • Government Monopoly
  • Downward Sloping Demand Curve
  • Economies of Scale
  • Price Fixing
  • Collusion
  • Monopoly Pricing
  • Price Maker
  • Market Power
  • Economic Profits
  • Imperfect Competition
  • Rent-Seeking Behavior
  • X-Inefficiency
  • Deadweight Loss to Society
  • Marginal Cost
  • Marginal Revenue
  • Antitrust


You must use at minimum at least one article from the 
DeVry Online Library. Note: Although your textbook is a good source of 
knowledge, it is NOT an article and cannot be the only 
for the assignment. Cite all your references in APA format. You 
can use the Citations & Bibliography function of Microsoft Word, which is 
found under the References tab. 

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