A Legal Study

Assignment 2: Corporate Regulations: A Legal Study


The final project is a legal study of corporate regulations in key organizational functions and their effects on internal and external stakeholders. This week, you will submit the legal study. You will incorporate the reviews done by the facilitator and peers at the end of this week, and submit the final legal study on Friday, August 16, 2013 next week.

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Include the following details in the legal study:

Industry: Retail and Distribution, Consumer Products


  • External: Customer
  • Internal: Employee

Key Questions:

  • HR: How does safety environment impact the internal and external stakeholders? Cite at least one regulation to present the legal perspective.
  • Marketing: How does deceptive advertising affect internal and external stakeholders? Cite at least one regulation to present the legal perspective.
  • Accounting: How do unethical accounting practices affect internal and external stakeholders? Cite at least one regulation to present the legal perspective.

On Saturday, August 8, 2013, conduct online research using the Argosy University online library and the Internet to identify key ethical issues related to HR, marketing, and accounting in retail and distribution (consumer products).


Refer to the following article for a refresher on the impact of moral philosophy on the individual ethics of salespersons.

Dubinsky, A. J., Nataraajan, R., & Wen-Yeh, H. (2004). The Influence of Moral Philosophy on Retail Salespeople’s Ethical PerceptionsJournal Of Consumer Affairs38(2), 297-319.

Use the following format for the study:

  • Summary: Summarize the key ethical issues in retail and distribution of consumer products.
  • Detailed analysis: Provide answers to the key questions with detailed analysis of their impact on the stakeholders.
  • Legal reference: Identify at least one legal regulation related to the three functions and questions.
  • Conclusion: Present your recommendations related to the three key functions and questions.

By August 8, 2013, submit the legal study to the appropriate Discussion Area.


All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.


Grading Criteria:
Maximum Points
Identified how safety environment impacts the stakeholders
Cited legal regulations related to the safety environment
Identified how deceptive advertising affects the stakeholders
Cited legal regulations related to deceptive advertising
Identified how unethical accounting practices affect the stakeholders
Cited legal regulations related to unethical accounting practices
Provided objective, useful, and original opinion in peer review
Provided evidence to support claims in a clear and fair representation
Articulated position in a well-arranged manner and without writing errors
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
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