Can someone do this 8-10 slide powerpoint? It is due today by 12:00p.m Eastern Time. I have the necessary attachments to complete the assignment. Please?

For this project, you will compose a researched response to Peter Singer’s article “America’s Shame.” This assignment allows you to assess and defend the reasonableness of personal beliefs through critical assessment of Singer’s arguments and the presentation of your own, original arguments on the subject.

Review the following:

Singer, P. (2009). America’s shame. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 55(27), B6–B10. (EBSCO AN 37137370)

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Develop a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation summarizing the main points of the article. Complete the following:

*Summarize the portions of Singer’s article you seek to engage/critique.

*Using the tools of evaluation you have learned throughout the course, create an original argument to Singer’s article that advances your own thesis in light of Singer’s argument. Remember the nature of the stance is not important; you can agree or disagree with any point Singer makes within this article. The important thing is you construct a stance that clearly engages a portion of Singer’s text.

*Support your argument with the use of original research. Use at least three credible, academic resources to support your positions.

Develop an 8–10-slide presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint format. Be sure to include two additional slides—one for the title and the other for references. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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