“The 4Ps of Marketing”

write one page on your own words.TYPE EACH QUESTION BEFORE ANSWER THEM

“The 4Ps of Marketing” Please respond to the following:

  • From the e-Activity(
  • Use the Internet to research the 4P’s (price, product, place, promotion) of your favorite social media Website. Next, watch the video titled, “Consultants” (0 min 52 s) in order to become familiar with the television show “Shark Tank.” Be prepared to discuss. Video Source: Randall Oles. (2013, May 19). Consultants [Video file].)
  • , imagine that you are pitching your favorite social media site to the “Shark Tank” panel for a possible investment opportunity. Examine the 4P’s (price, product, place, promotion) of your favorite social media Website. Create a brief pitch for the social media site to present to the “Shark Tank” panel.
  • Examine the components of a marketing plan. Determine the component you believe to be the most important and the component you believe to be the least important. Provide a rationale for your response.
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