LEG500– Complete 3 Discussion questions.



•Research the Internet for information about Benefit Corporations (B-corps). Be prepared to discuss.

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Discussion 1

“Ethics, Corporate Governance, and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ” Please respond to the following:

•From the e-Activity, determine the ethical theory or theories (from Chapter 1 of the textbook) that best support(s) the B-corp concept. Support your response.  


•Evaluate the likelihood of traditional corporations using social responsibility as an effective competitive strategy. Specify at least one (1) way that a company with which you are familiar can use (or has used) social responsibility as a competitive strategy in the marketing of its products / services, supply chain, charitable activities, strategic investments, or operations.

Discussion 2


“The Duty of Loyalty and Whistleblowing” Please respond to the following:


•Analyze the duty of loyalty in whistleblower cases to determine to whom loyalty is owed and who shows the greater duty of loyalty. Support your analysis with specific examples. Then, suggest at least one (1) change to an existing law.


•Reexamine the Citizens United decision in Chapter 1, and determine which of the following groups has the greatest free speech rights: corporations, public employees, or private employees. Provide a rationale for your determination.

Discussion 3


“Privacy and Technology in the Workplace” Please respond to the following:


 â€¢Employers often want to find out if their workers are productive and loyal. Determine at least one (1) limit that you would place upon a private employer’s rights to monitor the productivity and communications of employees at work. Support your response.

•Speculate whether employers should have more or fewer rights to monitor employee use of company equipment, such as laptops, tablets, and cell phones issued for out-of-office, potentially after-hours work. Suggest at least three (3) methods for an employer to monitor its employees’ use of company equipment.  Provide a rationale for your response.


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