Task description A list with information about movies needs to be organised in a database. The list contains the following data, for…

Task description A list with information about movies needs to be organised in a database. The list contains the following data, for each movie: Movie Title, year of release, country, runtime; director name with their year of birth and nationality, main actors name with their year of birth and nationality. The database should be populated with the data listed below, and queries should be created so that the users can: List name and surname of all actors in alphabetical order List name and surname of all directors in alphabetical order List title of all English movies in descending order of publication year List name and surname of all people who have had a role of both director and actor in the same film List name and surname of all people who have acted in a film produced in the same country as their nationality, in ascending order of year of birth. List the name, surname and year of birth of all people who are both actors and directors. Create a view for listing name and surname of all people who have acted in more than one movie, indicating the number of movies they have acted in. Create a view showing all people and the title of the movies they have directed, so that those who have directed no movies have a null value shown against them. Are the views in (7) and (8) updatable? Why? Give an example of updatable view. Give an example of correlated nested query on the assignment database, explaining why it is correlated. Deliverable: Produce a report including: a brief description of the ER model of the database and its mapping into tables; the SQL statements for creating the tables; the SQL statements for populating the tables; the SQL statements for solving the queries (1) to (8); your answer to questions (9) and (10). data for populating the database: Silence of the Lambs, 1991, USA, 118min, DIRECTOR: Jonathan Demme, 1944, USA ACTORS: Anthony Hopkins, 1937, Welsh Jodie Foster, 1962, USA Last of the Mohicans, 1992, USA, 122min, DIRECTOR: Michael Mann, 1943, USA ACTORS: Daniel Day-Lewis, 1957, English Life is Beautiful, 1997, Italian, 124min, DIRECTOR: Roberto Benigni, 1952, Italian, ACTORS: Roberto Benigni, 1952, Italian The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, 1966, Italian, 180min, DIRECTOR: Sergio Leone, 1929, Italian, ACTORS: Clint Eastwood, 1930, USA, Lee Van Cleef, 1925, USA Dr. Strangelove, 1964, English, 93min, DIRECTOR: Stanley Kubrick, 1928, USA ACTORS: Peter Sellers, 1925, English Escape from Alcatraz, 1979, USA, 112min, DIRECTOR: Donald Siegel, 1912, USA, ACTORS: Clint Eastwood, 1930, USA Eyes Wide Shut, 1999, USA, 160min, DIRECTOR: Stanley Kubrick, 1928, USA, ACTORS: Tom Cruise, 1962, USA Nicole Kidman, 1967, USA Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, 1997, USA, 155min, DIRECTOR: Clint Eastwood, 1930, USA, ACTORS: Kevin Spacey, 1959, USA American Beauty, 1999, USA, 121min, DIRECTOR: Sam Mendes, 1965, English, ACTORS: Kevin Spacey, 1959, USA
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