Time Study

Problem 7-3

A time study was conducted on a job that contains four elements. The observed times and performance ratings for six cycles are shown in the following table.


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OBSERVATIONS (minutes per cycle)

Element Performance
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 90%        0.44   0.50   0.43   0.45   0.48   0.46  
2 85           1.50   1.52   1.47   1.51   1.49   1.52  
3 110           0.84   0.89   0.77   0.83   0.82   0.80  
4 100           1.10   1.14   1.08   1.14   1.16   1.26  



Determine the average cycle time for each element. (Round your answers to 3 decimal places.)


 Element         Average cycle  
  1 [removed]   
  2 [removed]   
  3 [removed]   
  4 [removed]   




Find the normal time for each element. (Round your answers to 3 decimal places.)


 Element            Normal time  
  1 [removed]   
  2 [removed]   
  3 [removed]   
  4 [removed]   



Assuming an allowance factor of 18 percent of job time, compute the standard time for this job. (Round your answers to 3 decimal places.)


 Element            Standard time  
  1 [removed]   
  2 [removed]   
  3 [removed]   
  4 [removed]   

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