Assignment 2: Risk Analysis

Assignment 2: Risk Analysis


You are a CEO of a medium sized US based manufacturing company looking for opportunities to expand its operations globally.

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Do the following to complete this assignment:

  • Select two countries, one developed and one emerging, where you would like to invest.
  • Describe the company, its industry, its products, the markets it serves, and the type of operations that will be taken abroad.
  • Consider the assigned readings and the research literature related to this module and develop a country risk analysis report for your company to assess the attractiveness of each country for your business and decide what (if any) opportunity should be pursued.
  • Analyze the political, social, and economic factors. Use current research and statistics from reputable sources.

Write a minimum three-page report. Make sure you write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Use the APA format.


Assignment 2: Cross-cultural Communication

Do the following for this assignment:

  • Research a minimum of four peer-reviewed articles and business magazines for cases demonstrating pitfalls in cross-cultural communication using technology.
  • Identify one specific case.
  • Develop recommendations to avoid such communication problems. Support your recommendations with specific, current research related to cross-cultural communication and technology.

Summarize the findings in a 2–3-page report. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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