Leadership Style

Select and describe a leader you admire. Your selected leader may be either a real-life individual or a fictional character from television, the movies, or a book. Using leadership theories, analyze your selected leader to identify characteristics and provide specific examples of leadership qualities you think contributed to that person’s success.

Evaluate your own leadership style and work with your mentor to identify your own leadership characteristics.

Write a paper in which you explain your leadership style and your ideas and plans for improving your effectiveness as a leader based on your comparison with an admired leader and your work with your mentor.

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Required Elements:

  • 1100-1400 words
  • Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines
  • Include 2 scholarly references and 1 reference from your textbook
  • Evaluate your chosen leader and yourself, based on the leadership theories.
  • Summarize the discussion with your mentor



I selected President Barack Obama.

·         We’re both have a Interactive style type peronality- we’re charasmatic, enthusiatic, well-spoken and know to how to humor with the audience.




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