Directions: Respond to the following prompts.  Each answer must be a minimum of one half of one page in length and utilize APA guidelines for formatting and citations.


1.Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of digital and film cameras.

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2.Briefly describe the differences between reasonable suspicion and probable cause.  Which is actually needed for a “stop?”


3.Notes are brief records of things that have been seen or heard.  Explain the importance of note taking as it relates to a criminal investigation.


4.Photographs are routinely utilized by investigators when documenting a crime scene. Explain the advantages and disadvantages concerning photographs in a criminal investigation.


5.Discuss the differences between a material photograph, a relevant photograph and a competent photograph regarding their use in a criminal case.


6.Accurate sketches are important to the successful resolution of a criminal investigation. Briefly describe the different measuring techniques commonly used by investigators such as the baseline method, the rectangular-coordinate method and the triangulation method. 


7.Reports are permanent records of the important facts surrounding a case.  Briefly describe the use and applications of investigative reports. 


8.Name several of the more common problems associated with the writing of police reports.


9.Define the differences between statements of fact, inference, and opinion.



10.Investigative reports are read by a variety of individuals, making it extremely important for officers to be aware of their audience.  Discuss the people who comprise this audience, including defense attorneys, appellate decisions and even the U.S. Supreme Court.  Include general rules that should be adhered to when writing a report.

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