managerial report 6

2000 words not including references and cover paper ( no plagiarism work accept )

I already write 1000 words , you only need to add 1000 words on this paper and make it longer will be perfect

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This is the instruction that i need you complete all in on paper , thanks !!

Topic : Case Problem “ Inc.: Where to Next?”

Read: Case Problem “, Inc.”, Case MH0053, May 25, 2017

Prepare a Managerial Report* structured as follows:

Task 1-1: Structure and present your paper in the form of a Managerial Report, with a cover page, table of content, executive summary, main body, appendices. Expected length of Assignment 1: up to 6 pages APA format, excluding cover page, table of contents, and appendices

Task 1-2: Describe the business model of as of the end of the case (spring 2017)

Task 1-3: What is Amazon’s core competency?

Task 1-4: Which of its competitors does Bezos need to pay most attention to, and why?

Task 1-5: Where to Next?

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