Critical Response Paper For Politics 330 at Devry

Critical Response Paper #1


Complete the Critical Response Paper.

In a one-to-two page (double spaced) paper, describe the difference between liberalism and socialism. Your paper should address the following questions:

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  • What are the basic components and goals of a liberalist government?
  • What are the basic components and goals of a socialist government?
  • How do these two ideologies differ from one another?


During your discussion be sure to provide an example of a government that has utilized each form of these political ideologies. In doing so, please also address the question:


  • Were they effective at meeting the goals of the ideology?



The primary purpose of this assignment is for you to respond to the questions. You may use secondary sources (properly cited), but your grade will depend on your ability to respond to the questions in your own words.


Critical Response Paper #2


Complete the Critical Response Paper

In a one-to-two page (double-spaced) paper, propose a system for organizing a new government in a country with several religious factions. In your paper be sure to address the following questions.


  • How should the institutions be set up?
  • What will be the role of parties?
  • Would it utilize federalism, or some other type of structure?
  • Will the people be allowed to vote?

The primary purpose of this assignment is for you to respond to the questions. You may use secondary sources (properly cited), but your grade will depend on your ability to respond to the questions in your own words.


Each paper only needs to be about 2 pages long and include a few references

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