Simplify: 1. t – 2 * 5t+5 t + 1 * 6t^2-24 2. 5+6 a b 11+1 ab a^2 3. x^2+3x-10 x^2-100 x^2-3x-40 x^2-20x+100 4. 1 – 2 x+5 x^2-5x+6 3 + 4 x-3…

1. t – 2 * 5t+5
t + 1 * 6t^2-24
2. 5+6
a b
ab a^2
3. x^2+3x-10
4. 1 – 2
x+5 x^2-5x+6
3 + 4
x-3 x^2+3x-10


5. 1 = 3
7x-8= 5x+8
6. t+10 + 5 = 9
t^2-t-30 t-6 t+5

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7. david can paint a bedroom in 0.75 hr. jay can paint the same rrom in 1.25 hr. how long will it take them, working togather, to paint the bedroom?

8. (18ab^3c-5ab^2c^2+12a^2b)
9. (y^2-10y+5)/(y-5)
10. (3x^4+8x^2+4x+1)/(x^2+1)
11. use synthetic divison (x^3+2x^2+3x-10)/(x-4)
12. if f(x)= 5x^4-7x^3+3x-9) then use synthetic divison f(3)
13. the product of the reciprocals of two consecutive integers is 1/20. Find the integers.
14. Lance bicycles 38 km/h with no wind. Against wind he bikes 28 km in the same time it takes to bike 48 km with the wind. What is the speed of the wind?
15. 2 – 2= 16
x-8 x x^2-8x
16. one summer, tawana mowed 5 lans for every 3 lawns mowed by jeff. Togather mowed 120 lawns. How many did each mow?

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