forum question 39

This is a discussion between students in a class Forum I need a apply to this student with at least 170 words. Your thoughts? Please your own words, No Plagiarism please

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FMLA is an interesting topic. While I believe it is something that is needed to help the employee, there are those who can take advantage of it. I recently had an employee whose father had fallen ill and needed to be taken care of. I worked with my employee to get him in contact with the FMLA group in our company. They worked together to determine the situation warranted FMLA leave. I received notification that his FMLA was approved and would be out 2-3 days a week for 6 months. While it hindered my group’s progress, I was glad he was able to take the time. Fast forward 4 months, the FMLA group sent me an email stating that his FMLA was rejected because he failed to provide the documents required. I called my HR representative and asked what steps I could take, because it was clear his father was not Ill. My representative told me that I could not take any steps that could be construed as retaliation. At the end of the day, there was nothing I could do or say about this. However, he did not receive pay after his vacation and sick time ran out.

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