need help with this assignment (attached is company foundation i have already started)

Organize your training “day” or “days.” You will create a schedule for your training, and justify it in this document. Your document will be read by higher management – and this is the part which will explain to them the schedule of training, who will be attending and who will be doing the training, the cost-benefit of your training, and your ROI (return on investment). In the theory section of this, explain how the design of your training will lead to transfer of training. Your detailed lesson plan and schedule used to conduct the training will be an Appendix item. (See your textbook table 4.12 on page 157 for an example.)


Anticipated length of body of this assignment: 3-4 pages. Include at least 4 outside references in this portion of your paper, and properly cite them using APA formatting.

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Grading for this part of the project will be:

Theory of transfer of training and training design – 15 points
Cost benefit/ROI analysis – 10 points
Lesson plan and schedule in Appendix – 15 points
APA formatting and references – 10 points 

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