Managerial Finance

Mr. Santa – a poor young man has grown up in the vicious state of poverty. These days, he has a small family containing his 2 kids and a wife. Being an uneducated man, he has no respectable livelihood for himself and his poor family. Recently, he has come to know that the local government has announced a plan to provide small interest-free loans to the people of his community. Last week, he consulted this announcement with one of his close friend – Mr. Banta, who is running a small barber shop near his own house. Banta gave him an advice to apply for the loan to start a small juice corner in a rented shop located near a large populated community boy’s school. Santa seriously started thinking over the advice and with the help of his neighbor – Mr. Educated; he applied for a loan with the local government. To his luck, he has been provided a loan worth Rs. 50,000 for a period of three years payable in equal monthly installments. Using this borrowed money, his friends – Banta and Educated chalked out a business plan for Santa bearing the following features: Rs. Estimated purchase price of a Sugarcane Juice Extractor 80,000 along with a Generator having 5 years useful life Other Monthly expenses: Rent of the shop 5,000 Monthly electricity bill 1,500 Advertising expenses 1,000 Wages to helper 3,000 Administration expenses 500 Banta again helped Santa and approached one of his fast friends – Mr. Mechanic and got the same but used machinery (with the similar expected useful life) for a total of Rs. 60,000 payable in two equal installments; each to be paid by the end of third month. These people estimated that Santa can easily get sugarcane sticks from a local fruit whole seller – Mr. Aarhtee at Rs. 5 per stick for a foreseeable period. Each stick of sugarcane will produce 500 ml of sugarcane juice. Additional costs of using ice, lemon and salt has been estimated at Rs. 1 per each 250 ml juice produced. It was decided that to attract the market, Santa will sell the sugarcane juice in three packing’s – small glass of 250 ml, large glass of 500 ml, and a family jug of 1,000 ml. Santa was agreed to sell the juice at a sale price of Rs. 5 per each 250ml. Although things were very clear to Santa, yet, he was unable to determine the minimum quantity to sell in order to avoid any financial loss. He was more worried as he has to repay the monthly installments along with feeding his small family. Requirement By considering the above information you are required to answer the following: 1. How many sticks of sugarcane should be used by Mr. Santa during any month to covers its all fixed expenses? 2. How many “family jugs” should be sold out by Mr. Santa to cover up the monthly fixed cost? 3. What should be the total sales amount through which Mr. Santa can earn the profit of Rs. 12,000 for a given month? 4. Once a representative of an insurance company – Mr. Agent visited his shop and offered him to purchase an insurance policy from his company for avoiding any uncertainty at monthly premium of Rs. 3,000. By doing so Santa’s monthly cost has been increased. You are required to mention the number of large glasses that should be sold out by Mr. Santa to cover all of his expenses including the insurance cost.
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