i need ttwo questions for this week please check plagarism

Week 13 Discussion: Project Management (Click to Read)

Based on week 13 reading assignment, describe an IT or similar business project you have done or are currently doing. In your discussion, provide information on the following:

1. What is that project? Provide complete description. Consider using PPM.

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2. What was the scoop, deliverable, and results of the project?

3. What constraints did you experience and how did you handle them?

4. If you had to do the same project again, what changes will you recommend?

Week 14 Discussion: Ethics and Information Management (Click to Read Instructions)

Ethics and Information Management

Using Campbellsville University library and/or other sources, read at least four (4) academically reviewed articles on the ethical issues that may arise in information management. Please note that Wikipedia and other internet articles will not be accepted for this discussion.

1. Write a comparative analysis of the articles noting the similarities and differences.

2. Compare the information in those articles to the materials in Chapter 14 of your textbook. Does the premise of those articles support the overall theme of the materials in Chapter 14 of your textbook? Why or why not?

3. Discuss what you learned from those articles. In your discussion, give example(s) of your organization handles ethic concerns as they relate to information management.


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