still havent gotten anyone to do this right need this within hours

I only need two parts to complete this paper by today at 6:00p.m. I also need an conclusion added to it as well. need the two highlighted to bee betwee 175 to 215 words with an overall conclusion


Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word paper in which you examine the legal aspects of recordkeeping and providing expert testimony. As part of your examination, address the following items:

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  • Analyze the ethical issues related to documenting informed consent and ethical release of treatment and assessment records.
  • Which enforceable standards are relevant to the release of treatment-related materials and disclosure of information arising out of treatment?
  • Provide specific examples of what each enforceable standard requires or prohibits.
  • Provide a rationale for your proposed actions in your example and why they are consistent with ethical guidelines.
  • Evaluate the legal issues associated with assessment, testing, and diagnosis documentation in professional psychology.


  • What specific legal issues can arise in documenting assessment, testing, and diagnosis?


  • Provide specific examples that support your evaluation.


  • Provide a rationale for your proposed actions in your example and why they are consistent with legal requirements.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines

the two parts are higlighted within the message

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