I am looking for someone to write a 7-10 page agrumentative/persuasive paper due by 11/3/13.

This assign is for an English class.


Paper #2: Argument

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Directions: Write an argumentative/persuasive research paper on your choice of topic (except for the “forbidden” topics) using a minimum of 5 reference works from OCC’s online library databases or physical print.  The length requirement is 7-10 pages, double-spaced.  The Works Cited page(s) is/are not counted for the length requirement.  Do not compose a separate Title Page for this paper.

Grading criteria will include balance, integration, fairness, accuracy and the correct use of in-text citations and a Works Cited page.

Forbidden Topics: abortion, gun control, capital punishment.

The timetable for completing all activities and the final submission of the paper for grading is listed in the Tentative Schedule.

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