Political HW

political Question

Q.1/selesct any current event .which level of government,federal or state,would you suggest has been the most influnetial for that issue?Explain.which branch of governemt has been most influential?which branch of government has reponsibility for checking and balancing the one that you have selescted?Explain.Has it been able to adequately perform that function?why/why not?


Q.2/Discuss the debate over DOMA in this country(USA).Consider the ethical and constitutional arguments on both sides.One the basis of that discussion,which side do you believe should ultimately prevail?why?which side will prevail,in your opinion,why?what are the implications of your choice for your choice for the likely fate of DOMA before the suprema court?Explain.

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(Each Question must be answered in one fully page (1.5 space)…..


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