Blog Assignment 1

Read this carefully! The way blog assignments will run is that an initial topic is assigned below, you will have a week to make an initial post. Posts should be well written and adhere to good English grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Also, sources must be cited and linked to!

  • Initial Post, Week 1 (due 1/22 by 11:59pm, 30 points): For your initial post, propose a new environmentally-focused law. Make is reasonable, but it can be one that might be difficult to get enacted (such laws are proposed all the time!). Your proposed law could be based on your views on how human beings use the environment, and should be supported by evidence you collect from your own research, primarily accomplished by browsing online news and other media sources. For example, you might want to propose a law encouraging new development in alternative energy, and you might find wind energy fascinating, but you realize there are problems associated with setting up wind farms, and you find a neat youtube video showing that problem. You’d post that video, and then how your law might circumvent that problem. That would be your initial post. i GOT 1 HOUR AND HALF AND i NEED BTWEEN 200 T0 300 WORDS
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