human cloning dilemma 1

On pages 202-205 of your text, Cockerham discusses the “New Genetics.” He points out the distinction between “therapeutic” and “reproductive” cloning. Therapeutic cloning is the cloning of human organs for the purpose of replacing the diseased organs of sick people. Reproductive cloning is the asexual reproduction of a person.

You are asked to address a group of high school seniors on the potential benefits and dangers of cloning. Remember that you are talking to high school students. Your presentation should be as clear, simple, and direct as possible. Prepare a narrative outline of your speech to include the following. (30 points) (A 2-page response is required.)

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  1. Three (3) conditions in which therapeutic cloning would be useful
  2. Three (3) conditions in which reproductive cloning would be useful
  3. At least four (4) cautions or objections that have been raised concerning cloning

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