Ethics SLP 4


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Be sure to provide in-text citation(s) and a reference list to support your viewpoints. Please use at least three (3) research sources (not Wikipedia, or fact sheets). Please do so in ALL subsequent submissions.


Delmonico, F. L., Domínguez-Gil, B., Matesanz, R., & Noel, L. (2011). Organ transplantation 1: A call for government accountability to achieve national self-sufficiency in organ donation and transplantation. The Lancet, 378(9800), 1414-8. Retrieved from


Doig, C. & Rocker, G. (2003). Retrieving organs from non-heart-beating organ donors: a review of medical and ethical issues. Canadian Journal of Anesthesia, 50(10), 1069-1076.


Fraser, Kimberly D,R.N., PhD., Estabrooks, Carole,R.N., PhD., Allen, Marion,R.N., PhD., & Strang, Vicki,R.N., PhD. (2010). The relational nature of case manager resource allocation decision making: An illustrated case. Care Management Journals, 11(3), 151-6.


Frunza, M., Frunza, S., Catalin, V. B., & Grad, O. (2010). Altruistic living unrelated organ donation at the crossroads of ethics and religion. a case study. Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies, 9(27), 3-24. Retrieved from


Howard, Richard J,M.D., PhD., Cornell, Danielle L,R.N., B.S.N., & Cochran, L. (2012). History of deceased organ donation, transplantation, and organ procurement organizations. Progress in Transplantation, 22(1), 6-16; quiz 17


Miller, F. G., & Truog, R. D. (2008). Rethinking the ethics of VITAL ORGAN DONATIONS. The Hastings Center Report, 38(6), 38-46. Retrieved from


The goal of the Session Long Project is to identify and evaluate the ethical principles used in resolving ethical dilemmas, and to apply the principles to specific ethical issues that may have professional, sociological, economic, legal or political implications.


Often times a patient needs a lot of resources prior to being discharged from the hospital. Some organizations use discharge planners or case managers to aid in acquiring these resources. The topic of this SLP is about Jenna, a young woman who could not be discharged home until the issue of resources to care for her was resolved. This story demonstrates that resource allocation decision making is inherently complex, a process that is dynamic, multidimensional, and iterative. After reading the article, “The relational nature of case manager resource allocation decision making: An illustrated case” by Fraser, Estabrooks, and Strang and doing additional research, please respond to the questions listed below:


1.     Provide a brief summary of Jenna’s case. What was her medical condition? What was her prognosis? Why was it important for her to go home? Did she get to go home? If so, how did that impact her recovery?


2.     What were the resources that Jenna needed to go home? What barriers did her case manager encounter in acquiring these resources?


3.     Discuss the theory of relational ethics as it applies to this case. What is it? How does it impact the allocation of resources?  Think about your own discipline of study, how does this theory apply to acquiring scare resources? Provide an example.


4.     Based on what you have read about this case and resource allocation, do you agree with the statement “that resource allocation decision making is inherently complex, a process that is dynamic, multidimensional, and iterative”? Why or why not? What are your views on the fairness of the process? Was it done in a fair manner in this case? Did Jenna get preferential treatment because of her case manager? If there was no one advocating for her, what do you think the outcome would have been?


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