
Unit 1 – Introduction to Marketing Collapse
   Reading Assignment: Kerin: Chapters 1, 2 & 3
     Assignment Type: Individual Project   Deliverable Length: The body of the paper should be 3 pages    
Points Possible: 125   Due Date: 3/31/2013 11:59:59 PM  CT [removed]    

To correctly identify opportunities and threats to their product, Marketing Managers need to understand the marketing environment in which the products operate.

Using the product/service you chose in your Discussion Board assignment, complete the following: 

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Industry Research

  • Using the AIU Library’s First Research web resource conduct secondary research on the industry in which your product/service operates.

Click here for the research requirements and guide for this assignment.

From your research and what you have learned, identify three (3) marketing environment forces that will impact this type of product/service. Describe each force and analyze why & how it will impact the product/service.

Explore strategies to overcome the threats and capitalize on opportunities. 

Your paper must include a reference list. All research should be cited in the body of the paper. In-text citations and corresponding references should be included in your paper. For more information on APA, please visit the APA Lab.  The use of direct quotes is strongly discouraged. 

Please submit your assignment as a Word document in APA format using the attached Template.


Grading Criteria


Market Force 1: Description and Analysis of impact on product/service


Market Force 2: Description and Analysis of impact on product/service


Market Force 3: Description and Analysis of impact on product/service


Strategies overcome the threats


Strategies to capitalize on the opportunities


Grade for Unit 1 Individual Project

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