discussions and response

Please respond the main discussion and respond to the peers discussion

Discussion 1

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dentify two university Library scholarly databases that will help you find the best research articles to support your EBP proposal. Discuss why these two databases are better than Google Scholar or a general Internet search.

Discussion 2

The Institute of Medicine has stated a goal that 90% of practice be evidence-based by 2020. According to HealthyPeople.gov, the United States is currently at approximately 15%. Discuss two barriers that might hold nursing practice from achieving this goal, and suggest ways in which identified barriers may be addressed

Peer DQ1

When writing papers or doing research it’s essential to find reliable sources to obtain the information from, this will decrease the chances that the information is inaccurate. GCU library provides students with plenty of online scholarly databases to aid in this research process. Two databases I have used in the past are CINAHL Complete and PubMed. These two databases have health journals, books, continuing education modules, EBP care sheets, and so much more! What’s great about using these databases is the information is peer-reviewed and is backed up by actual research to ensure it’s accurate.

Using GCU’s library databases are a great tool to find reliable information, rather than just using Google. When using Google you truly never know what you are going to get or if the information on the website you found is accurate. It may look like a reliable website, but really anyone can make a website and put information into it. When we write papers or discussion boards, fellow classmates may use our information as a learning tool, so it’s important we are finding accurate information to share. Another advantage of using GCU’s databases are the searches are organized and you can type in keywords, peer-review options, publication years, etc. This helps pin point articles you are looking for so you don’t waste time looking through thousands of articles that does not pertain to what you are looking for.



Peer DQ2

The two GCU library databases that I feel will help me to find the best research articles to support my EBP proposal are Cochrane Library and Medline Plus. The general internet search is unreliable because anyone can post anything they want and may not produce reliable results. It is imperative to have reliable and trustworthy research articles to support the EBP project. Most library databases have scholarly/peer-reviewed articles and contain only scholarly literature. GCU library databases guarantee authority and trustworthiness. The library databases have advanced search features that can be limiting by publication type, data, language, document format, scholarly/peer-reviewed status, as well as, focus by subject which means more relevant information and less time wasted dealing with junk information. Using general internet search or Google Scholar can produce limited results and there is lack of regulation and duplicated information. It is imperative to evaluate the research articles for validity and reliability.

Peer DQ3

A Library database is an electronic (online) catalog or index that contain information about published items (California State University Los Angeles, 2018). When writing EBP proposal, it is important that the writer use the library database as it helps the writer to locate relevant information and also assess the quality of the information located. GCU Library contains many scholarly databases that one can use to find the best research article to support his/her EBP proposal. Of the many database article in GCU library, I have used the CINAHL complete (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health), Cochrane library and PubMed and found them to be very helpful because it leads the researcher/writer to the source of the information (e.g. journal, books, encyclopedias etc.); it provides citation that includes the article author, title and source of information; it also provides the journal name, volume, issue, page, an abstract of the article and full text (the entire article).

I found these two-library databases to be better than google scholar or general internet search when writing EBP proposal because the information they contain are more reliable and credible than that found on some website. Library database information are better basically because they are sourced from experts and professionals unlike the general internet search that anyone could upload. The quality of the internet resources is unmonitored and the authenticity of the information may not be known.

California State University Los Angeles. (2018). What is a Database? Retrieved from https://www.web.calstatela.edu

Peer DQ4

Google definitely provides a wealth of information, this sometimes isn’t worth spending the time sifting through the data. It doesn’t offer all the information that students are looking for and information found there may not be very reliable.

The two main databases in GCU library that I believe will help me find the best research articles to support my EBP proposal are as follows:

  • ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source – if offers a wide range of materials in nursing, allied health, alternative and complementary medicine and the likes. It has over 860 titles in full text and over 12,000 full text dissertations indicative of arduous nursing scholarships. Additionally, gives access to online reference books, training tools and evidence-based nursing material from The Joana Briggs Institute. It’s a good source for training videos and cultural reports that helps with crating a better understanding about patient care.
  • CINAHL Complete – is one of the strongest database for nursing. It offers research tools and access to nursing and allied journals. It is comprised of more than 1300 journal titles and covers over fifty specialties in nursing. In addition, it offers continuing education modules, research instruments and evidence-based care sheets

GCU library has many databases that allows access to thousands of full text journals and articles. And these scholarly resources are best to use in research as it provides solid and reliable information.


Grand Canyon University (2017). Nursing Health Sciences Resources. Retrieved from


Peer DQ5

Grand Canyon University’s (GCU) library serves as the foundation of academic support for all learning and research pursuits of GCU students, faculty and staff. Two GCU Library databases that will be helpful in finding best research articles to support EBP proposal will be CINAHL Complete and PubMed.

CINAHL Complete is the definitive research tool for nursing and allied health professionals with access to the top nursing and allied health journals. Includes full text for more than 1,300 journal titles with indexing for more than 5,000 journal titles. Covers more than 50 nursing specialties, speech language pathology, and nutrition. Also contains continuing education modules, evidence-based care sheets, and research instruments.

PubMed comprises more than 20 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites (GCU, 2017).


Grand Canyon University. (2017). Journal Databases – Nursing & Health Sciences. Retrieved from http://library.gcu.edu/Database/Subject?subject=Nu…

Peer DQ6

The two databases I have found useful for reasearch and info are the Joanna Briggs Institute EBP and the Nursing and allied Health database. These articles are found on an educational institute library whcih provides eivdence based articles and as well as peer review items. While anyone may edit a google site the ones on the school library database have reasearch and evidence to back there articles.

The Joanna Brigss Institute is anevidence-based practice database that includes more than 3,000 records across seven publication types. These types include Evidence Summaries, Evidence-Based Recommended Practices, Best Practice Information Sheets, Systematic Reviews, Consumer Information Sheets, Systematic Review Protocols, & Technical Reports.

The Nursing and Allied HEalth Database provides students, instructors, researchers, and nurses around the world with its diverse mix of scholarly literature, clinical training videos, reference materials, and evidence-based resources, including dissertations and systematic reviews.


Grand Canyon University (2017) Journal Database: Nursing and Health Sciences.


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