Going Global

Assignment 1: Going Global

Create a strategy to market a product or service in three different countries.

  • Select and describe a product or service.
  • Select one developed country, one developing country, and one underdeveloped country where the product can be marketed. 
  • Define the essential elements of the international marketing strategy for the product or service. 
  • Explain how the strategy will be modified for each of the three countries. Support your ideas with reference to foreign market characteristics.

Cite all the sources of information you use. Present your strategy as a 3-page report in a Word document formatted in APA style. All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

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Assignment 2: Course Project Task 3

You have done research on your topic and gathered some information. Though you will continue to do research, you should prepare an outline of your final paper at this stage. This will help you organize your ideas and information into a logical structure. It will also show where you need more information and give directions for further research.

To create an outline, write your main argument with supporting ideas. You could write this as a list of points rather than in paragraph format for greater clarity. Take care to express the hierarchy of ideas, for example, by using headings or indents.

Remember, this is only a first draft of the outline and you will probably revise it as you read more and organize your ideas better. You will also receive facilitator feedback that will help you revise the outline.

Present the draft outline in a Word document formatted in APA style. All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.


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