Write a 350-400 letter on what difference does planning make in business writing.

Assignment due tonight by 10:30 PM Eastern (about 13 hours from now).  Please see the attached Communication Strategy Worksheet template for an idea how we plan business writings.

The purpose of the reflection for this week is for you to report on your understanding of the role of planning in your research report writing to your instructor.    Please review the “How to Write a Reflection” doc before you write your reflection.

Task:  You are to write a 350-400 word LETTER to your instructor in Letter format on your learning.  What difference does planning make? You can also include comments about our Communication Strategy Worksheet activities as well.

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Please adhere to this format for your reflections.


Business writing is about content AND delivery decisions.  Again, make it attractive.  Be sure you have at minimum of three paragraphs.  A well thought out introduction, a body with content information and a conclusion. Please follow the guidelines as mentioned below.


Introduction includes: (1) purpose/thesis, (2) hook (attention getting statement which can also be the purpose/thesis statement), (3) scope (the preview of what you will talk about and perhaps (4) why (detail the why you are writing – could link to purpose).

Body is the content.  (Most students when they think of writing they focus on content.  That is a part of writing, it’s not the whole event.)

Conclusion, in business, is mostly about goodwill.  Think of it as where to create the lasting impression. In this case, think about what impression you would like your instructor have about you.


How to Write a Reflection


Writing a reflection is multifaceted.  The writer needs to do so much before writing, and in the moment of the writing (and editing), the author must stay on track to his/her focus while giving plenty of detail for the reader to FEEL the message.  It’s as much about thinking and thinking about thinking as it is to feeling.

Reflection is a combination of cognition, emotion, and body sensations.  Here is an approach to help you reflect well.  Not only will you learn the information, but the process of reflection actually boosts the brain’s ability to make decisions.


Special Note:  One of your Mobius components is a self-reflection.  I am expecting excellence in your thinking to your thinking and therefore your posting.


1.  Using a quiet mind and a quiet environment, be quiet and listen to your thoughts.  Reflection is quiet.


2. Step One is Critical Thinking: Ask questions like…


  • What did I learn that I expected?  What did I learn that I didn’t expect?
  • How am I changed?
  • What will I do with this information?
  • How will I influence others with this information?


3. Step Two:  Examine your own thinking.  How was I thinking that?  What was I thinking?  Why?  What were my biases, assumptions, etc?


4.  Step Four (We skip gathering information.): After confidence to your learning based on the content covered, decide a writing core – a focus.


5. Write in first person.  Write with depth – no surface only comments.  Write with specificity.  What exactly did you learn and what will you do with that new you?

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