4 DB Decission replies homework HSCO 509 for writer ( Ken Man only} 700 words

1.      The replies must be at least 200 words each. submit the replies  must interact with a minimum of 1 academic resource.


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Posts must be completed in current APA format. The emphasis will be placed on the mechanics of citing information. For example, cite information in the body of the post as well as listing sources in the reference section. Properly cite direct quotations and include the page numbers at the end of the quotations.


How can you qualify for a 100?


1.      Address the Discussion BoardForum topic thoroughly. Provide support for your comments through interaction with information from course resources or other academic resources in all posts.


2.      Interact with information from the course resources or other academic sources in support of your comments and opinions; do so in all posts.


3.      Correctly cite sources used in the posts both inside the body of the posts as well as list source citations alphabetically at the end of the posts per current APA formatting guidelines.  

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