A Comprehensive Project Plan

Note: This assignment is a continuation from the attached Assignment file. PLEASE ONLY AUTHENTIC WORK ONLY. NO PLAGIARISM


Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

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1.Describe the project scope and project management plan. Align your plan to the overall strategy that you had recommended to the senior executives in Assignment 2.

2.Analyze the type of staff that your company would need in order to make the manufacturing switch to motorcycles with larger motors.

3.Prepare four (4) team-building strategies for handling the newly formed team. Discuss the manner in which the strategies that you have prepared may positively or negatively affect productivity within the company. 

4.Analyze the role of the project manager that this project would require. Examine three (3) characteristics of an effective project manager that are relevant to this particular expansion project. Provide a rationale for the response.

5.Emphasize the importance of identifying critical path on projects and the manner in which one would allocate resources to all of the activities on the critical path.

6.Outline the elements of the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and pricing and costing strategy.  Delineate the fundamental ways in which the project in question is composed. 7.Develop the following using designated project management software (e.g., Microsoft Project):

a.Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

b.Gantt chart 

c.Assigned ResourcesAttach the project file that contains the items that you have developed.

8.Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.

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