psych paper

Write a 1,050- to 1400-word paper in which you analyze the diverse nature of psychology as a discipline.

Address the following items as a part of your analysis:

  • Evaluate the influence of diversity on psychology’s major concepts.
  • Identify two examples of subdisciplines and two examples of subtopics within psychology. Examples of major concepts and their subtopics include the following:
    • Motivation: theory of emotion, and approach and avoidance
    • Behaviorism: aggression, cheating, and binge drinking
    • Cognition: cognitive dissonance and false memories
  • How can the subdisciplines and subtopics you identified be applied to other disciplines and venues in contemporary society?
  • Relate the subdisciplines and subtopics to your theoretical perspective.
  • Conclude with your psychological contribution to society in the areas of work, education, health, and leisure.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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