
In this culminating discussion, you’ll compose a blog post that delves further into some of the content we’ve explored this term.  You can focus on any of the topics that we’ve examined so far (social networks, social capital, community and technology, economic stratification, racism/ethnocentrism, globalization, etc.) or delve into a new aspect of community studies that we haven’t touched on. 

Your post should:

  • Be original: Don’t simply summarize someone else’s theory or idea.  You don’t necessarily have to create a theory of your own, you can combine a few concepts and ideas in a new way, disagree with a theory and explain why, apply a concept from one field of study to another, or extend a concept or idea.
  • Demonstrate your understanding: In order to combine, test, extend or disprove an idea, you must first fully understand it.  You may need to do some research in addition to our course materials to find out more about a particular concept or idea.
  • Make connections: Show how the concepts we’ve worked with this term are inter-related.  You can also make connections to things you’ve learned in other courses, your own experiences or outside readings.
  • Illustrate your ideas: Provide clear examples that show your readers exactly what you mean.
  • Be creative: Include photos, maps, graphs, charts, video or audio clips, and links to provide a multimedia approach to your topic.   

Please don’t treat your blog entry as just another weekly discussion post.  Your blog entry should be longer and more developed than an Initial Post and should pull together concepts and ideas from throughout the term.  Think of this as a culmination of all of the work you’ve done on the discussion board this term. 

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Your blog entry must be:

  • Around 800-1000 words (2-3 pages)—this is an estimate of how much space it will take to fully develop an idea.  Points will not be deducted if you go over/under this limit as long as your post is fully developed.
  • Polished—draft, revise, revise some more, then proofread!
  • Include at least one photo, image, video or audio clip, graph, chart, etc
  • Have proper citations for all borrowed facts, quotes and ideas
  • Have a title that describes your content
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