Role of Court Decisions in the Interpretation of Statutes 3 paragrah

tutes typically are enacted in “ packages” as part of legislative efforts to regulate broad areas of concern. For example, alimony is covered in several statutes within a package of statutes dealing with divorce. Different statutes in the package can provide definitions, policy or purpose statements, elements, results, and exceptions. Thus, interpretation of statutes can be difficult due to the broad range of areas that they can cover.

The role of court decisions in the interpretation of statutes differs from nation to nation. This is due to the differing amounts of power vested in courts. Some nations choose to give more deference to an agency’s interpretation instead of the courts. In the U.S. judicial system, the courts’ interpretation of a statute is the law. Therefore, understanding the role of court decisions in statutory interpretation and how courts have interpreted similar statutes will enable you to foresee resulting changes to existing law.

an explanation of the role of court decisions in the interpretation of statutes. Be specific and use examples to support your explanation.

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