DQ 1 WK 10 BUSS 599, no plygiarism need citation and reference: NEED ORIGINA RESPONSE

“Nike’s Sustainable Strategy”  Please respond to the following topics in detail:

  • From the e-Activity, evaluate the success of Nike’s global network structure in terms of centralization of authority and horizontal differentiation.
  • Analyze the fundamental manner in which the company’s outsourcing strategy facilitates both resource sharing and the leveraging of its competencies around the world. Provide a rationale to support your response.
  • From the e-Activity, evaluate the appropriateness of the type or types of basic strategies that Nike implements in order to expand globally.  (Note: to evaluate means to state what works and what doesn’t work)
  • Next, analyze the most important manner in which Nike’s organizational structure, control systems, and culture influence its international strategy. Provide a rationale to support your response.
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