Contemporary issues

Project 3: Paper and Conference Discussion on Contemporary Issues Using News Articles

 roject 3: The content of the paper for this project should identify two contemporary issues concerning either security as a profession or a specific organizational problem. The document must clearly define the issues identified in the selected sources and how those issues relate to and/or impact security operations. Most importantly, the document must provide proposals of solutions to the issues and the measures required for successful implementation.


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Using current news articles originating from newspapers, magazines, or the Internet, and at least one scholarly source (trade journal, industry paper, etc.), write a three to five page paper that identifies two contemporary issues concerning either security as a profession or a specific organizational problem. The document must clearly define the issues identified in the selected news articles and how those issues relate to and/or impact security operations. Most importantly, the document must provide proposals of solutions to the issues and the measures required for successful implementation. The issues and solutions you and your classmates identify will be the topic of discussion in a class conference. Again, see the grading rubric for additional details on how your project will be assessed.


NOTE: Given the nature of the topic, a paper reaching five pages would typically be one that is more comprehensive than one that does not. Hopefully this note provides some additional guidance for your final submission.

Use the American Psychological Association (APA) style manual in writing this paper, which will consist of a cover page, the body of the paper (with an appropriate introductory statement about the topic), and a reference page that includes the proper reference information for the selected articles. The cover and reference pages will not be included in the page count. Please note in your assignments folder comments section the source you used that is the “scholarly source” required for this project.

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