Leadership 5.1

Critical Leadership Competencies Needed in 2020

Consider all you have learned in the course so far and the trends that have been discussed, particularly around leaders being able to strategize and execute to results.

Using the module readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research key leadership competencies needed in 2020. Then, respond to the following:

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  • What are the key leadership competencies that will be needed in leaders by 2020? Why are they important?
  • What are the most significant leadership trends that require a change in leadership approaches by 2020? What leadership changes will be most important?
  • What are some of the external trends (e.g., increased globalization, increased diversity, and increased use of technology) that will influence the leadership changes?
  • What will the employee of 2020 look like in terms of expectations, skills, and experience?

Support your positions with specific examples or by citing credible sources.

Write your initial response in approximately 300 words.

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