Coca-Cola in India


Select one of the cases presented between pages 232-266 of Luthans and Doh (2012). The case options include 

Coca-Cola in India

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review the case, and then prepare a Reflection Paper. Which details appear to be significant about the


case? Here are more details about a Reflection Paper. After you finish reading the case you select, reflect on the concepts and write about them. What do you understand completely? What did not quite make sense? The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with the opportunity to reflect on the case you finished reading and to expand upon those thoughts. If you are unclear about a concept, either read it again or ask your professor. Can you apply the concepts toward your career or your experiences? How?


This is not a summary. A Reflection Paper is an opportunity for you to express your thoughts about the material by writing about them. The writing you submit must meet the following requirements:
At least one page BBA 4426, International Management 5

Your thoughts about the main topics

Additional thoughts about the case


Format your Reflection Paper in your own words using APA style, and include citations and references as needed to avoid instances of plagiarism.


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