Choose one of the sociolinguistic phenomena below, and explore the influencing factors that have shaped its condition. Welsh language becoming obsolete Early African Americans creating a pidgin (common language) to communicate with one another Romance

Choose one of the sociolinguistic phenomena below, and explore the influencing factors that have shaped its condition.  

    • Welsh language becoming obsolete
    • Early African Americans creating a pidgin (common language) to communicate with one another
    • Romance languages existing all over the modern world
    • Quechua speaking a “high language” in public and a “vernacular language” in the home 
  1. What transpired in the group’s history to cause this linguistic circumstance?
  2. Can a group maintain a strong identity without having a common language to bind them?

Fully develop your findings in a 2-3 page paper, and be sure to format your paper and cite your research sources as per APA guidelines.

Please submit your assignment.

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