the great firewall

Introduction and Alignment

As noted in Chapter 10 of Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership, diversity in organizations should be promoted. Globalization is reality and our global culture is increasingly diverse. More than ever before, you are heading toward a business community that spans the globe, bringing many diverse groups along with it. The ability to make ethical decisions in the increasing multi-cultural work environment requires is an important skill for the global manager.

Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to:

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  • Apply various models to making choices in ethnically diverse contexts.


  • Textbook: Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership
  • Media: International Ethics
  • Video: Global Ethics and Siemens

Background Information

Global managers increasingly find themselves faced with ethically difficult decisions. One tool to assist in making such decisions is the HKH model. In this assignment, you will apply the HKH model to a case to answer a general ethical question involving company strategy.


  1. View the media International Ethics.
  2. View the video “Global Ethics and Siemens.”
  3. Review Chapter 10 of Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership. Pay particular attention to the discussion of the ISCT and HKH models on pp. 396-398.
  4. Read Case Study 10.3 on pp. 404-406 in Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership.
  5. Navigate to the threaded discussion and respond to the following:
    1. Using the steps of both the ISCT and HKH decision-making processes, determine whether American high-tech firms should participate in the Great Firewall of China. Provide a detailed evaluation and support for your position with each model that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking.
    2. Evaluate the differences that are obtained between the two processes. Which process is most similar to the decision you would make using your own personal view? Provide a detailed evaluation and support for your position that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking.
  6. Your initial post should be 200 to 300 words in length and include two academic resources that are properly cited.
  7. Your initial post is due by the end of the fourth day of the workshop.
  8. Now conduct a critical analysis of a posting by two of your classmates by the end of the workshop.
  9. Read and conduct a critical analysis of postings by two of your classmates by the end of the workshop.
    1. The topic of your discussion response should be your classmate’s posting and should be written as if you were reviewing his or her posting in an academic journal. Your discussion response should therefore answer the following questions as applicable:
      1. Were the arguments of your classmate articulate and logical? Were the facts correct?
      2. Was the interpretation your classmate provided reasonable and consistent with experts in the field? Was your classmate consistent with both the substance and intent of his/her references?
    2. The focus for your critical analysis is not whether or not you agree with your classmate, but how well his/her position was presented.
    3. Each response should be at least 200 words in length and cite two academic sources. (Note: the academic sources do not count towards the word length requirement.)
    4. Respond to the following:
      1. Using the steps of both the ISCT and KHK decision-making processes, determine whether American high-tech firms should participate in the Great Firewall of China. Provide a detailed evaluation and support for your position with each model that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking.
      2. Evaluate the differences that are obtained between the two processes. Which process is most similar to the decision you would make using your own personal view? Provide a detailed evaluation and support for your position that demonstrates clear, insightful critical thinking.
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