Week 1 Assignment for Phyllis

Week 1 – Assignment

Mendel Paper Company

Complete: Case 2B (Mendel Paper Company).

In this case, you are provided information regarding selling prices and costs of several products offered by Mendel Paper Company. In addition, management has concerns about sales mix and rising costs. Address the questions (1-5) at the end of the case. Based on the case questions, you are required to provide a three to five double-spaced written report (excluding the title and reference pages), addressing management’s concerns. The written report should be properly formatted according to APA guidelines and demonstrate research and critical thinking skills. Conclusions and recommendations should be supported by at least two scholarly sources from other external sources, excluding the textbook.

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For Questions 1 through 4, you will need to complete several calculations – be sure to label and clearly identify your work to demonstrate your understanding of the concept even if you are not sure if you have arrived at the correct answer. The calculations should be included as part of your analysis and written report required for submission.

For Question 5, fully address management’s concerns as part of your written analysis using the original or revised estimates to support your recommendation/explanation. As part of your written analysis, include how management might use these calculations to make decisions.

Week 1 Written Assignment should:

  • Demonstrate graduate level work including appropriate research and critical thinking skills. 
  • Prepare a written analysis (not a question/answer format) 
  • Label case questions as paragraph headings. 
  • Prepare title page, reference page and in-text citations following APA guidelines.(Compose response in a three- to- five double-spaced pages of content, excluding the title and reference pages) 
  • Support your responses with at least two scholarly sources, excluding the textbook. 
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