Take a position on whether or not standardization and naming conventions are critical for properly managing files and folders in a Windows environment. Include at least one (1) example or scenario to support your response.

Take a position on whether or not standardization and naming conventions are critical for properly managing files and folders in a Windows environment. Include at least one (1) example or scenario to support your response.

  • Read the article titled “The Windows XP upgrade question: Windows 7 or Windows 8?”You can also use the Internet or Strayer Library to research articles on features about Windows 7 and Windows 8. Next, compare and contrast at least one (1) feature that differs from Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. Then, select one (1) feature that you believe has been improved in Windows 8.1 and one (1) feature that you believe has worsened in Windows 8.1. Justify your response.
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