final project deliverables and powerpoint presentation

Final Document: (This is mostly complete and attached to use to assist with the PowerPoint. You will need to add in the discussion on critical business objects, a small narrative explaining the diagrams, and a narrative discussion describing the tests).

In an APA formatted paper, assemble all deliverables from all previous week’s project assignments. (Project Scope, Use Cases, Storyboards, Class Diagrams, Test Cases) Include a brief introduction to the scenario and requested project, as well as, a discussion on the critical business objects, a brief narrative explaining all diagrams with all diagrams, and a narrative discussion describing your testing strategies including your test case tables. Include references and citations in APA format where appropriate.

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Final Presentation:

Complete a 10-12 slide PowerPoint Presentation delivering your proposal to executive management. Include an introduction, project scenario, requested project, brief introduction to Sales force, critical objects, all diagrams and tables (Use Cases, Storyboards, Class Diagrams, Test Cases) including narratives briefly describing all diagrams. Include references and citations in APA format where appropriate

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