unit 5 health activity


Health Resources in Your Community

Part of getting the right help is knowing where to find it. Take a moment to learn the basics of health services in your own community by answering the following questions. Your answers should be specific to your area and include any factors that would shape your decision. If you have health insurance, for example, be sure to consider how that might impact which doctor you see.

  1. What is a reliable website for medical information? How can you tell that it is reliable?
  2. If you suspected that someone you knew was being abused, whom would you choose to tell about it? Why would you pick this person?
  3. If you needed to see a doctor, whom would you call? What is the process for making an appointment?
  4. If you need to see a specialist, what would be the process for making that appointment?
  5. Find a local organization that assists with domestic/dating violence. What resources does this organization offer and how do you access them?
  6. Find a psychiatrist or psychologist in your area, and explain what you would need to do to make an appointment with her. Explain why you chose this professional.
  7. Locate a course in basic first aid in your community. Tell where and when it is, any cost associated with it, and how to register for it.
  8. What is the nearest facility for treating serious mental health issues or substance abuse?

TABLE Grading rubric

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Content (80%) Mechanics (20%)
Full Credit
  • All questions are thoroughly addressed.
  • All answers are specific to the student’s area and circumstances.
  • All answers demonstrate a solid understanding of how to access appropriate health resources.
  • There are no or very few mechanical errors.
Partial Credit
  • At least seven questions are answered, or three or fewer require more detail or explanation.
  • Most answers are specific to the student’s area and circumstances.
  • Most answers demonstrate a solid understanding of how to access appropriate health resources.
  • There are several mechanical errors, but the writing is clear.
Little Credit
  • Six or fewer questions are addressed, or four or more questions require more detail/explanation.
  • Few answers are specific to the student’s area and circumstances.
  • Few answers demonstrate a solid understanding of how to access appropriate health resources.
  • There are numerous mechanical errors that make the content hard to understand.
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